The proprietary Tessera Protocol is built on standards-compliant Gigabit Ethernet technology, guaranteeing synchronised panels even when using off-the-shelf networking equipment.
The Tessera Protocol is based on standard 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet and is transmitted over conventional Cat 5e cable. It is a proprietary protocol built on Layer 2, using MAC addressing, so configuration of IP addresses and subnets is not required. Tessera adopts many of the key benefits of Ethernet. Low cost Cat 5e cabling can be used with up to 100m cable length both between fixtures and between the fixtures and the processor.
Conventional off-the-shelf Ethernet infrastructure can also be used. This includes simple unmanaged switches to 'split' a single output into multiple strings of panels, or fibre transceivers to extend the signal up to many kilometres.
Any valid Ethernet topology is supported, and there are no restrictions on which types of fixtures can be connected together
in a string. There are also no restrictions on the order in which fixtures are connected, for maximum cabling convenience.
Tessera M2 and S4 processors support loop-back redundancy, where pairs of output ports are used to connect to both ends of a string of fixtures. The first output acts as the primary port, while the second output acts as the backup. In the case of signal loss or errors with the primary feed, the panels will automatically switch to the backup feed, thus ensuring that video continues to be displayed despite a cable failure anywhere within the loop.
When loop-back redundancy is used, fixtures must be in a single string of up to 50 fixtures, so switches cannot be used to 'split' the signal. Other infrastructure such as fibre converters may still be used.
Each 1G Tessera Protocol output supports a nominal 525000 pixels at 24 bits per pixel and 60 frames per second, up to a maximum of 500 fixtures. Pixel capacity, frame rate and bit depth can be freely traded as outlined in the table.
Due to the additional processing overhead, the full nominal pixel capacity may not be achievable when using small fixtures (<16px width or height) or when fixtures are rotated.
Documentation is available outlining the capacity for each type of fixture.